

1.phobia 恐怖病(phobic)

(1)O’Leary tolerates worms and snakes but is__ about insects: he has an exaggerated fear of them.

(A) agnostic

(B) eclectic

(C) empiric

(D) phobic

(E) quixotic

(2)The thought of being trapped in a stalled elevator terrifies me; it brings out all my ------ fears of small, enclosed places.

A. agoraphobic 旷野恐怖症的 (agor土地+phobi害怕)

B. kleptomaniac 喜欢偷盗的

C. hypochondriac 忧郁症患者 (hypo下面+chond藏)

D. therapeutic 有治疗作用的

E. claustrophobic 幽闭恐惧症的(claustro,close关闭)

mania 狂热 an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

paranoia 偏执狂(心理疾病) a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur

(3)Bibliomania 爱书成癖

In one instance illustrating Metternich’s consuming___, he employed several naval captains to purchase books abroad for him, eventually adding an entire Oriental library to his___ collection.

A. foresight, indifferent

B. altruism, eclectic

C. bibliomania, burgeoning

D. avarice, inadvertent

E. egocentricity, magnanimous

2.The professor argued that every grassroots movement needs___: without this public declaration of motives, there can be no cohesive organization.

(A) an invocation

(B) a prospectus

(C) a manifesto

(D) an arbitration

(E) a mandate

invocation: 在仪式或者会议开头的一段讲话或者祈祷, 祈求帮助, 特别是向神祈求帮助


manifesto:宣言,声明a public declaration of intentions


(2)Conceptually, it is hard to reconcile a defense attorney’s__ to ensure that false testimony is not knowingly put forward with the attorney’s mandate to mount the most defense conceivable for the client.

(A) efforts, cautious

(B) duty, powerful

(C) inability, eloquence

(D) failure, diversified

(E) promise, informed

