



Thesis:Success can be disastrous.

Subject:The Manhattan Project


At the end of WWII,despite Japan’s heavy losses,the leaders in Japan was reluctant to surrender.When Truman became president,he was informed of the U.S gorvenment’s secret Manhattan Project which had designed an atomic bomb.On August 6,1945,the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima,resulting in nearly 130,000 casualties and the leveling of 90% of the city.Three days later,with no response from Japan,Truman authorized the second dropping on Nagaski,killing and wounding over 75,000 people.While this policy successfully ended the Pacific War which may cause even greater losses,it was a catastrophe to the local people who suffered from this atomic annihilation.It succeeded in bring peace to the world at the cost of millions of innocent lives.

Example also serves:Great success requires great loss.

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