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Can deception—pretending that something is true when it is not—sometimes have good results?

SAT Essay

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.

There are two kinds of pretending. There is the bad kind, as when a person falsely promises to be your friend. But there is also a good kind, where the pretense eventually turns into the real thing. For example, when you are not feeling particularly friendly, the best thing you can do, very often, is to act in a friendly manner. In a few minutes, you may really be feeling friendlier.

Adapted from a book by C. S. Lewis


Can deception—pretending that something is true when it is not—sometimes have good results? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Deception is not necessarily lying and dishonest behaviors that are desinged for sheer personal gain and embeded with malicious motives. In fact, deception is justified in some apt situations.

In the Mahabharata, the greatest ancient war of India, the righteous Pandavas were at war with their evil cousins, the Kauravas. It seemed unlikely that good would win over evil this time; the Kauravas were employing unfair advantages to the maximum. They weren’t playing fair – they had a much larger and stronger army than the Pandavas, possessed weapons of greater strength, and had ferocious demons and giants at their command. They were evil to the extent of slaying helpless soldiers during the battle rest-time at night. In short, if things continued as they were, the Pandavas would be doomed. Unless they played fire with fire, they would lose the war. Bheeshmapitama, the strongest and most skilled among the Kauravas’ warriors, posed the biggest threat to the Pandavas.

So they came up with a cunning strategy. They killed an elephant having the same name as Bheeshmapitama’s son and then sent a messenger to inform him about ‘his son’s death’. When he got the message, Bheeshmapitama grew suspicious since his son was a formidable warrior. The others assured him that the message was a ploy to weaken him emotionally; however, Bheeshmapitama had to be sure. So he turned to Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandava brothers, who always spoke the truth since he was the son of Dharma (God of Truth and Righteousness). Over the din of the battlefield, Yudhisthira replied “Yes. Ashwathama, the elephant, is dead.” But while enunciating “the elephant”, Yudhisthira deliberately lowered his volume a little so that he would not be heard. Bheeshmapitama was immediately stunned by the news of ‘his son’s death’. Seizing the opportunity, the Pandavas felled him with a thousand arrows.

Had he not been slain, the Pandavas would have been defeated right in the early stages of the battle. They used subtle deception to avoid certain defeat at the hands of their malicious brethren. Clearly, deception was justified here.


When my mother and father divorced, I felt like it was the end of the world. It seemed as if a cold had settled over me, and that there was no such thing as a reliable relationship anymore. But as I’ve grown older, I’ve actually come to appreciate the breakup.My family went through some growing painsand we all had to re-evaluate ourselves and our family dynamics, butultimately the divorce has served to bring my family closer together than we might have been had my parents not separated.

My parents divorced when I was around 11 years old. I never thought I’d see my father again. However, he didn’t just vanish from sight. He lived in the same neighborhood, and he’dseemy brother and mepretty much every weekend. I had to adjust to not seeing my dad every day anymore, which was difficult, but with time things got easier. We would go to a movie or out to dinner on weekends, and I discovered aides of him I never knew before. My father seemed happier, and in return he lavished affection on me and my brother, something he’d never really done before. These experiences with my dad encouraged me to start focusing on the positive aspects of the divorce, and the good that cam come from it.As I got older, I found my older brother was quickly becoming my best friend and advisor, something that wouldn’t have happened to me had my father still been living at home. My brother helped me when I needed to know how to ask out girls or how to fight, and he even helped me with my calculus homework at night when my mother would be at school. If my dad had been there all the time, I wouldn’t have had the same opportunity to really get to know and respect my brother in the same way. Now that I’m almost a “man”, I see how I have become what I am by learning from my father’s mistakes and from the resourceful advice of my brother. I’m sure it wasn’t always easy for my brother to take on this mentoring role, but he rose to the challenge andwas always there for me when I needed him.My relationship with my mother is also extremely close, closer than it would have been had my father lived at home and persevered in the negative behavior. that ultimately led to their divorce. My mom is a strong woman and she’s always beenhonest and supportive, even in the worst of times. Following the divorce, she worked really hard to keep our family thriving, even under our new arrangement.

I’m not saying that the divorce was a wonderful event, but I believe that the bond between my mother, brother, and myself is much stronger since we learned valuable lessons about depending on one another rather than on some kind of Ward Cleaver father-husband figure. My relationship with my dad has also improved. There have been hard times without my father around, but in the end, the “trouble” of my parents’ divorce actually opened a few doors for my family, and presented the opportunity for us to grow even closer to one another.